TROMP2016 PietHeinEek 1 c Claudia Hansen
Csm Photo Daniel Bolba online 8b18daaba1
Dániel Bolba kopie 2

Born: 1998

Lives in: The Netherlands

Nationality: Portugese/Hungarian

Dániel currently is studying for his Masters at the renowned Conservatorium van Amsterdam. He has been laureated in several international competitions and worked with Ensembles like the Remix Ensemble, MusikFabrik, Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Intercontinental, ASKOISchönberg, and AM.OK. Enthusiastic about working with composers, Dániel had the chance to work closely with artist like the renowned Portuguese composer Luís Tinoco, with Diogo Carriço and working on repertoire with electronics, and with the two famous Dutch composers Bianca Bongers and Tijn Wybenga. He had the privilege to perform with acclaimed musicians like saxophonist Arno Bornkamp and percussionist Dominique Vleeshouwers in the main halls of the Netherlands.