Prizes and winners
1st Prize: Alexandre Esperet (France)
2nd Prize: Garrett Mendelow (USA)
3rd Prize: Galdric Subirana (France)
Friends of TROMP Audience Award: Alexandre Esperet (France)
Press Prize: Alexandre Esperet (France)
MCN-Willem Vos Prize: Yu-Ching Wei (Taiwan)
'De Annelie' encouragement award: Sabrina Suk Wai Ma (UK)
Youth jury Award: Garrett Mendelow (USA)
Composition Prize: Brendan Faegre (USA)
Pedro Estevan (Spain)
Jean Geoffroy (France)
Momoko Kamiya (Japan)
Pete Lockett (UK)
Arnold Marinissen (The Netherlands)
Zoltán Rácz (Hungary)
Nancy Zeltsman (USA)
Lucas Vis (The Netherlands) chairman of the jury