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That apply to TROMP International Percussion Competition 2024.

1. General Conditions

 1.1. The 2024 edition of the TROMP International Percussion Competition Eindhoven (“the Competition”) will take place at Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, the Netherlands, from November 7th to 17th, 2024 under the responsibility of of Stichting Tromp Muziek Biënnale and the Board of the Tromp Biennial Music Festival Foundation (‘the TROMP Board’).

 1.2. The official language of the Competition is English.

 1.3. The Competition is open to professional percussionists of all nationalities who:
(a) are maximum 30 years of age at the start of the Competition (November 7th, 2024); and,
(b) have completed their professional education or are currently in the final phase. Not eligible to participate are percussionists meeting the above requirements who have been admitted and have participated in both last two consecutive editions of the TROMP International Percussion Competition Eindhoven (in 2020 and 2022). Those who participated in one or none of the last two editions are eligible to enter.

 1.4. All decisions by the international competition jury (“the Competition Jury”) will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding its decisions.


2. Applications

 2.1. Applications will be accepted until June 3rd, 2024, 13:00 hrs UTC +0 (15:00 hrs CET).

 2.2. Applications can only be submitted digitally through the TROMP website at tromppercussion.com, and must include the following:
(a) A completely filled-in digital application form
(b) A copy of the applicant’s passport
(c) A brief resume in English describing training, experience and achievements together with a 100-word summary
(d) A recent, high-quality portrait photograph with a minimum size of 1MB, free of copyright and suitable for publicity purposes
(g) Two letters of recommendation
(h) A recent sound recording of a live solo performance with a maximum size of 200MB, containing:
one work for mallets;
one work for percussion set-up
NB The sound recording clearly labelling its contents should be of professional quality. The recording must be recorded in real time and should not have been edited or altered in any way. The TROMP Board reserves the right to disqualify candidates who have submitted studio enhanced or modified recordings. Submitting one movement of a piece consisting of multiple parts is sufficient. The recording can be uploaded at tromppercussion.com.
(i) A complete listing of the works intended to be performed during each round of the Competition following the repertoire requirements set out in Article 3. The list should specify composer, title and performance duration of each chosen work.

 2.3. The Competition Jury members will individually review the programme proposals of the applicants and audition the candidates in a preliminary round on the basis of anonymous copies of their recordings. The selection will be announced before July 19th, 2024.

 2.4. Up to 30 percussionists will be invited to participate in the Competition in Eindhoven with another 5 percussionists granted a back-up position, i.e., they will be admitted in case a previously selected participant does not, or not timely before August 17th 2024, accept the invitation to participate, does not timely pay the entry fee referred to in Article 2.6, or withdraws before October 1st 2024.

 2.5. Applicants who accept the invitation to participate in the Competition, are required to pay the Competition’s obligatory € 200 entry fee by August 17th, 2024 at the latest. Payment should be made net of bank charges or transfer costs to the account of Stichting Tromp Muziek Biënnale, IBAN: NL12 RABO 0113731078, SWIFT or BIC identification RABONL2U. The entry fee is not refundable.

 2.6. Applicants invited to participate who have duly paid their entry fee, shall qualify and shall generally be referred to as Participants.

 2.7. All Participants shall provide the TROMP Project Organisation with clear and detailed instrument & set-up descriptions before October 4th, 2024.


3. Schedule & Repertoire

 3.1. Venue of the Competition will be Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. All rounds of the Competition will be open to the general public and may be broadcasted live or recorded for future purposes. The performing schedule has been set as follows:
(a) First Round, Saturday the 9th, Sunday the 10th and Monday the 11th of November 2024
(b) Second Round, Tuesday the 12th of November 2024
(c) Semi Finals, Wednesday the 13th and Thursday the 14th of November 2024
(d) Finale, Sunday the 17th of November 2024.
The First and Second Round are to be considered as further qualifying rounds and must both be performed by all selected participants

 3.2. As noted, applicants must clearly state their complete programme for each round on their entry forms, specifying composer, title and performance time of each chosen work. Among the works listed should be compositions selected in accordance with Article 3.4 through 3.7, which are illustrative of the level expected from Competition applicants.

 3.3. In principle the works listed will be considered a final choice. In exceptional cases, a chosen work can be substituted with the approval of the Competition Jury represented by its Chairman. Changes in the proposed programme per round should be filed before October 12th, 2024.

 3.4. First Round
Performing time: maximum 20 minutes (including intervals)
Repertoire: a work for vibraphone of one’s own choice, and a choice from:

  • Chris Gendall - Dita
  • Michio Kitazume - Side by Side
  • Áskell Másson - Frum
  • Iannis Xenakis - Rebonds A
  • Iannis Xenakis - Rebonds B
  • Kevin Volans - Asanga 

3.5. Second Round
Performing time: maximum 15 minutes
Repertoire: a choice from one of the following works for marimba by a composer from The Netherlands:

  • Louis Andriessen - Woodpecker
  • Jan Bus - Solitude
  • Anthony Fiumara - An Index of Wood (selection of movements)
  • Bart de Kemp - Mama Rimba
  • Dolf de Kinkelder - Touch
  • Ton de Leeuw - Midare
  • Florian Magnus Maier - Soleá
  • Arnold Marinissen - Totem I & Totem II
  • Aart Strootman - Solo for marimba
  • Jacob ter Veldhuis - Barracuda (solo version)
  • Sinta Wullur - Dukha
  • Yannis Kyriakides - Bee Cult

Sample pages of these scores can be sent on request. Other works for marimba by composers from The Netherlands may be proposed, but their performance is subject to approval by the Competition Jury, which will notify its decision by October 1 st 2024 at the latest.

3.6. Semi Finals
Performing time: maximum 45 minutes (including intervals)

  • a compulsory work for solo percussion, commissioned by TROMP for this competition, composer to be confirmed (score to be distributed by the TROMP office end-September 30th, 2024, duration about 6 minutes)
  • at least one work for mallets of one’s own choice
  • at least one work for set-up of one’s own choice

 3.7. Finale

  • a compulsory work for solo percussion and chamber orchestra, commissioned by TROMP for this competition, composer to be confirmed (score to be distributed by the TROMP office end-September 2024, duration about 12 minutes)
  • a work for percussion solo of one work of one’s own choice (max. duration 10 minutes)

 3.8. During the Competition Participants may perform each work only once (excluding the preliminary round).


4. Conduct of the Competition

 4.1. The order of performance for the first two Rounds and subsequently also for both the Semi Finals and the Finale will be decided by a draw of lots.

 4.2. Participants shall not communicate with Competition Jury members during the Competition, nor shall any other person communicate with these jury members on behalf of any Participant. The TROMP Board reserves the right to disqualify Participants who breach this rule or on whose behalf this rule has been violated.

 4.3. Participants who are not admitted to the Semi Finals of the Competition will be provided the opportunity to discuss their performance with members of the Competition Jury, time permitting.

 4.4. Should a Participant be or have been a regular student of one of the members of the Competition Jury, the latter will abstain from the jury deliberations in his or her respect.

 4.5. Participants must ensure that the maximum performing time duration for each Round (art. 3.4 through 3.7) is not exceeded. The Competition Jury may, in its absolute discretion, stop Participants that run overtime.

 4.6. All selected participants shall perform in both the First and the Second Round. No more than 8 (eight) Participants will proceed to the Semi Finals, and no more than 3 (three) Participants will be admitted to the Finale.

 4.7. The Competition Jury has to grant the first, second and third prizes as prescribed. No sharing of awards is allowed.


5. Prizes

 5.1. There are five prizes that can be won in the Competition. Only the Competition Finalists qualify for the three ranking prizes (art. 5.2) and the Friends of TROMP Audience Award (art. 5.5).

 5.2. The three ranking prizes will be awarded by decision of the Competition Jury subject to Article 4.7 and will be publicly announced immediately after the Competition Finale on Sunday November 17th, 2024.

(a) First Prize

  • A sum of 15,000 Euro, of which 7,000 Euro is reserved for additional study, participation in other competitions and/or the purchase of instruments or scores within two years after the Competition. Part of the remainder will go to concert engagements.
  • Options for concert engagements and master classes within two years after the Competition.

(b) Second Prize

  • A sum of 10,000 Euro, of which 5,000 Euro is reserved for additional study, participation in other competitions and/or the purchase of instruments or scores within two years after the Competition. Part of the remainder will go to concert engagements.
  • Options for concert engagements and master classes within two years after the Competition.

(c) Third Prize

  • A sum of 7,000 Euro of which 3,000 Euro is reserved for further study, participation in other competitions and/or the purchase of instruments or scores within two years after the Competition. Part of the remainder will go to concert engagements.
  • Options for concert engagements and master classes within two years after the Competition.

 5.3. The Willem Vos Award for the best performance of a work by a composer from The Netherlands prior to the Semi Finals will be awarded by decision of the Competition Jury. The winner or winners will be publicly announced after the last of the Semi Finals recitals on Thursday the 14th of November 2024. The prize consists of a sum of 500 Euro.

 5.4. The Friends of TROMP Audience Award will be decided upon by ballot by the audience attending the Finale on the basis of the performances of the Competition Finalists during the Finale. The winner will be publicly announced immediately after the Competition Finale on Sunday November 17th, 2024. The prize consists of a sum of 3,000 Euro.


6. Communication and Facilitation

 6.1. The TROMP Board has established a TROMP Project Office for operational matters. Unless otherwise specified, all notices and communications regarding the Competition will be issued by and should be addressed to:
TROMP Percussion Eindhoven
Muziekgebouw Eindhoven
P.O. Box 615
5600 AP  Eindhoven
The Netherlands
E-mail: info@tromppercussion.com

 6.2. In addition to the travel, board and lodging arrangements set out in Article 7, the TROMP Board will endeavour to arrange the availability of all percussion instruments required and timely requested by the Participants. No guarantees are given as to the availability of instruments of a specific make.

 6.3. In order to allow sufficient time for the selection of instruments and consultation as to set-up requirements, participants are expected to arrive in Eindhoven three days in advance of the Competition, i.e. on Tuesday the 5th of November 2024. Rehearsal rooms and instruments will have to be shared and stage rehearsal time will be limited.


7. Travel, Board and Lodging

 7.1. All Participants will be entitled to the following travel, board and lodging arrangements:
(a) reimbursement of pre-agreed reasonable travel expenses to and from the Netherlands up to a maximum of 800 Euro (proposed travel arrangements should be informed to and discussed with the TROMP Office timely in advance)
(b) if applicable: local transportation to Muziekgebouw Eindhoven from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, or Eindhoven Airport to Eindhoven Central Station by train, 2nd class
(c) accommodation in private family homes, max. two participants per room, in the Eindhoven area from Monday the 4th of November until Monday the 18th of November 2024. Participants who prefer a hotel accommodation should make the arrangements and cover the costs themselves.
(d) a combination of some meals and a per diem from Monday the 4th of November to Sunday the 17th of November 2024

 7.2. Obtaining appropriate travel documents, including valid documents and/or QR-codes with regard to covid19 necessary to pass international borders and to enter the venues, and insurance is the sole responsibility of each Participant for him- or herself. The Tromp Biennial Music Festival Foundation and the TROMP Board accept no liability of any kind whatsoever for any personal illness or injury sustained by Participants, nor for loss or damage to a Participant’s belongings, including instruments, during transit or while at the Competition.


8. Legal

 8.1. By submitting the digital application form, applicants state their agreement:
(a) with all articles in these Rules and Regulations;
(b) that the Competition can contact them about their application and may contact them after the competition to inform about following competition editions;
(c) that the Competition stores personal data in the online application for 7 years, including first and last name, address data, contact information, date of birth, a photograph and a resume;
(d) that the Competition can use their name, date of birth, photograph and resume for any promotional purpose;
(e) with all ensuing engagements as part of any prize. This includes the winners concert engagements in the concert seasons of 2024 to 2026;
(f) that all concert and recording engagements obtained by the Competition or its designates as part of the first, second and third prize will not be subject to any fee payable to the prize-winner’s current or future artist management;
(g) that the Competition is authorized to record, videotape, film, broadcast, or photograph any competition concerts or events for any purpose, without payment of any fee. All rights, including copyright in such media shall vest in and be owned by the competition in perpetuity;
(h) that the Competition follows all restrictions and measurements regarding covid19 imposed by the Dutch government; therefore, TROMP has the right to change the conduct of the competition, organize a ‘virtual’ edition instead of a live edition, or cancel the event entirely; there will be no liability to participants;
(i) that the Competition is entitled to change its Rules and Regulations at any given time in case of unforeseen circumstances;
(j) that if any clauses in these Rules and Regulations are deemed unlawful by a judge, all remaining clauses will still be applicable;
(k) that these Rules and Regulations are subject to Dutch law.